Sunday, March 29, 2009

Paintings for Tyson

I made these paintings for Tyson to put up in his room. I decided I wanted to make his room bright and colorful and there was a sale at Michaels for 50% off their canvases and paints so I thought I would give it try. I am definitely not an artist but I think they turned out okay! They kinda look cute up on his wall above his crib. This is about the only decorating I have done in his room so far so I will post the finished product when it finally is done.










Friday, March 27, 2009

Explore & Discover

Tyson and I took a little walk around our townhome last Sunday afternoon. He is so funny...he just loves to explore everything around him. He discovered his shadow and found some pretty cool rocks and sticks. He would pick up the tiniest little pebbles and think they were amazing. He had a hard time parting with them before we came back in the house but I was able to cheer up his spirits with a little horsey ride. His new favorite game is riding on my back like a horse. Its fun to see what interests him and keeps him occupied.






Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Nap

Well, we finally have our internet back! We have been internetless for about 5 days and its been brutal! Since I was having withdrawals on Sunday I decided to go over to my mom's to mooch off her internet. When I came home later that afternoon I was greeted with this sight in our TV room...

My two boys were completely passed out on the couch. I thought it was so funny I just had to open up the curtains and take a picture. There was hardly any light but there was just enough for me to take a picture without the flash. While I was snapping away my little man decided to get a little more comfortable and ended up like this...

What would life be like without my two favorite boys? Gotta love them!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monster Boots

Tyson LOVES his monster boots! Some may think they're ugly but they bring a smile to this little guys face:)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Little Model


I can't help but smile when I see this last picture. His smile is so contagious!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life as Art Workshop

This last weekend I had the priveledge to attend a photography workshop taught by my FAVORITE photographer! It was a dream come true. It was in Woodland Hills, UT but luckily my sis in law gave me some buddy passes so I could fly for dirt cheap! I had so much fun and learned more than I thought I ever would! Nichole is such an inspiration to me. She is completely self taught which helps me believe maybe I can become a self taught photographer one day too! I have fallen in love with taking pictures ever since my husband bought me my first dslr camera. I just wish I had more time to play around with it and really learn how to use it. This workshop I attended was beyond amazing!! I am so excited to use all the tips and techniques taught and see what type of art I can come up with!

This is a picture of me with Nichole after the workshop was over.

This is a picture I took of Tyson after I got home from the workshop. I tried to use some of the natural light techniques that were taught at the workshop. I love his pose...such a little model:)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sweet Moves

Here is a sampling of some of the sweet dance moves Tyson is capable of. Let's just say, I'm a proud momma!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Just some pictures of Tyson at the park over the weekend. I took him to Rocketship Park right next to my old elementary school. I must say, it did make me feel a little old playing with my son at the same park I used to play at everyday after school. He is growing up so's crazy how time seems to fly right by you. Tyson is turning into a little boy it seems. He has now learned the word "cool". He will run up to something and pick it up and say, "cooool". It's pretty cute. Oh how I LOVE this little boy!!


Sunday night Tyson was having a bit of a rough time all couped up in the house so I decided to get him out and take a little drive to the LA temple. I decided to take some pictures while we were there. What a beautiful, peaceful place to be! I ended up taking quite a few pictures and I think I am going to pick a few to put up in our living/family room. I've been wanting to get a picture of the LA temple so why not save some money and use one of mine?

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